SIL Mexico

Tepehua verb morphology, operator scope, and the encoding of arguments

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pages 247-68
Tepehua, like other Totonacan languages, has a rich verb morphology, including verb-verb compounding and a large number of productive affixes. This paper will focus on the ordering of affixes in Tlachichilco Tepehua in relation to a claim made in RRG, "that the order of verbal affixes with reference to the verb reflects the scope relations of the operators they express" (Foley and Van Valin 1984:223). Furthermore, it will be shown that the morphological processes involved in the lexical vs. syntactic encoding of arguments and adverbial affixes parallel syntactic levels and scope relations. The implications of examples supporting the relation between morphological order and syntactic scope and an apparent counter-example are discussed and compared with similar claims in other theoretical approaches.
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Guerrero, Lilián, Sergio Ibáñez y Valeria A. Beloro, eds., Studies in Role and Reference Grammar. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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