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Work Papers - The Me'phaa Grammar Files
The Me'phaa Grammar Files
Edited by
Stephen A. Marlett
General introduction
This website presents a work in progress: a general grammatical description of Me'phaa, which is part of the large Otomanguean language family in Mexico (Campbell 1997:158). The various regional varieties of Me’phaa in Mexico together with the now extinct Subtiaba in Nicaragua, comprise a single genus by Dryer's (1989, 2005) criteria.
The papers presented here are working papers that will be revised periodically (see the date in the footer of the first page of each document). Most of them are written in Spanish.
Citation information for each paper is included in each paper.
Comments, questions and suggestions may be sent to steve_marlett@sil.org. Each paper will have similar characteristics, aiming at breadth as well as depth in a limited domain, with an emphasis on straightforward description.
Campbell, Lyle 1997. American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dryer, Matthew S. 1989. “Large linguistic areas and language sampling.” Studies in Language 13.2:257-292.
Dryer, Matthew S. 2005. “Genealogical language list.” In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew S. Dryer, David Gil & Bernard Comrie (eds.) The world atlas of language structures, 584-644. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
General Outline
(Topics will be added and rearranged as needed. Titles are given as they are in the papers, which are primarily in Spanish.)
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Stephen A. Marlett (ed). 2011. The Me'phaa grammar files. SIL International.